Nationwide Titles, Deeds & Appraisal Services

Appraisal Products & Services

An appraisal of a single family one (1) unit, including an individual unit in a PUD complex based on an interior and exterior property inspection. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front, rear and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparable sales. A sketch of the interior floor plan and exterior dimensions, a location map showing the location of the subject and all comparables, and limiting conditions are included.
A single family one (1) unit property appraisal (including an individual unit in a PUD complex) based on an exterior-only property inspection. The exterior inspection, along with public data is utilized to derive an estimated market value conclusion. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparable sales (if required by Client), location map and limiting conditions.
An appraisal of an individual condominium unit one (1) unit based on an interior and exterior inspection. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front, rear and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparables sales. A sketch of the interior floor plan and exterior dimensions, a location map showing the location of the subject and all comparables, and limiting conditions are included. It also delineates the number of completed units, units for sale, and for rent, both in the subject phase of the complex and the overall development.
An individual condominium, one (1) unit property appraisal based on an exterior-only inspection. The exterior inspection, along with public data is utilized to derive an estimated market value conclusion. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparables sales (if required by Client), location map and limiting conditions. It also delineates the number of completed units, units for sale, and for rent, both in the subject phase of the complex and the overall development
A two to four (2-4) unit property appraisal (including a two to four (2-4) unit property in a PUD, a condominium or cooperative complex) based on an interior and exterior property inspection. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front, rear and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparable sales. A sketch of the interior floor plan and exterior dimensions, a location map showing the location of the subject and all comparables, and limiting conditions are included. It also includes three active listings in the subject neighborhood considered to be market alternatives and three current rental properties to support market rents.
An individual cooperative unit, one (1) unit property appraisal based on an interior and exterior inspection. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front, rear and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparable sales. A sketch of the interior floor plan and exterior dimensions, a location map showing the location of the subject and all comparables, and limiting conditions are included. It also delineates information that pertains to the cooperative project
An individual cooperative one (1) unit property appraisal based on an exterior inspection only. The exterior inspection, along with public data is utilized to derive an estimated market value conclusion. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front, rear and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparable sales (if required by Client), location map and limiting conditions. It also delineates information that pertains to the cooperative project
A vacant land appraisal based on an inspection of the site. The site inspection, along with public data is utilized to derive an estimated market value conclusion. Photographs include front, interior and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparable sales (if required by Client), location map and limiting conditions
An appraisal of a one (1) unit manufactured home (including a manufactured home in a PUD, condominium or cooperative project) based on an interior and exterior property inspection. A minimum of three (3) comparable sales with similar features, amenities and location influences are analyzed to support an estimated value conclusion. Photographs include front, rear and street of the subject property, and front photographs of all comparable sales. A sketch of the interior floor plan and exterior dimensions, a location map showing the location of the subject and all comparables and limiting conditions are included.
A statement certifying that the value, as of the effective date, is restated. It does not change the effective date of the appraisal report and does not involve an inspection of the property
A follow-up report prepared by an appraiser when a previously completed appraisal is either "subject to completion per plans and specs" or "subject to repairs, inspections or other conditions". Depending on the conditions that need to be met and re-inspected, an interior and/or exterior inspection is conducted.
A statement showing a cash flow analysis of the income and expenses associated with a single family or multi-family income producing property. This is a supplemental statement that may be ordered separately or in conjunction with another product
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